Sunday, March 1, 2009

Time flies when you're having fun

I can't believe that 4 months have passed already since I began this journey to train for my first triathlon. I have 5 more months of training to go and I know that time will fly by as well.

This week was recovery week and I am battling a miserable cold. We still have workouts during recovery week, but not as intense. However, since I felt that this cold move downwards to my chest and I have a history of getting pneumonia and long term laryngitis, I had to ensure that I lessened my workout even more to allow my body to rest and recover. I didn't do all the fully scheduled workouts but I did swim ~4200 yards, biked ~40 miles and ran ~10 miles.

On Saturday, we had a coached workout in beautiful Marin county. We rode 18-mile Paradise Loop from Larkspur around Tiburon and back, but I ended up riding 23 miles because I missed a turn and had to back track. Here's a picture of me and Golden Gate Bridge in the back.

After the bike, we swam at Redwood High School, learned how to do flip turns, use a tempo trainer and freestyle hand paddles. I wasn't very successful or graceful at the flip turn and will work on it since it's something I've always wanted to be able to do in order to swim laps continuously. The temp trainer beep was annoying, but it was a cool gadget and gave me an idea of whether or not I was keeping to my expected pace.

Daylight savings time starts next Sunday. I can't wait. It'll make evening workouts nicer to have the sun out later.

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