Sunday, December 28, 2008

Week 7 Recap

I've survived 13 days straight of workouts and it wasn't so bad. I don't even feel sore or tired, but maybe it's because I took Christmas week off from work.

Mon. 12/22: We had a coached swim workout at the nice, new Doherty Valley Aquatic Center. In addition to swim drill review, Coach Nancy had us try swimming across the pool (25 yards) taking 3 breaths or less. During our event, we need to be prepared not to be able to breath as often as we're use to, especially if area around us is crowded or choppy water. I was able to swim the whole 25 yards without taking a breath. We also concluded our workout with some fun relay races. Total: 2000 yards (1.136 miles)

Tues. 12/23: Swam 1800 yards in 38:01:58 focusing on pace; also completed 60 minute spin workout simulating hill repeats.

Wed. 12/24: Ran speed intervals for 40 minutes as well as core strength exercises

Thur. 12/25: Ran 60 minutes

Fri. 12/26: Swam 1900 yards in 40:20:33 focusing on Ironman pace during the main set.

Sat. 12/27: Rode 42 miles on bike in 3:12:28, starting at Canal Trail in Walnut Creek by BevMo onto Iron Horse Trail to Dublin and back. The ride was smooth and blissful. I like having not to deal with cars on the Iron Horse Trail, which follows the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way established in 1891.

Sun 12/28: Ran 74 minutes. Was only able to cover 5.88 miles with hills. I probably could have run much better if I didn't eat the bagel with cream cheese, two pancakes and two sausage patties before my run. I felt full.

I maintained my weight this holiday week and didn't gain or lose, which is good considering I spent much of the week eating rum cake and other delicious holiday foods. During this week's recovery, I will need to make a conscious effort to eat less calories. I'd still like to lose 10 more pounds by next August.

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