Friday, December 19, 2008

What I'm like when I don't eat

I was reading the e-mail I received describing the training details for Saturday 12/20. Starting at 9am in San Francisco, the workout will be 8 hours long involving bike, run and strength training drills. No swimming. What caught my attention was the big red bold statement:

NO BREAKFAST FOR ATHLETES other than water and electrolytes. Last meal is previous evening prior to 6pm. No food for the first 1 hours 15 minutes of workout. Athletes are meant to work without caloric intake, only water and electrolytes. No liquid or solid food. Small lunch at 12:30.

What's up with that??? Any one who knows me well knows that I get very irrational when I haven't eaten for more than 4-5 hours in the day. I'm a grazer. I need to keep my sugar level up otherwise I can't think, get irrational, whiny, grumpy...I don't even want to be around myself when I hit this point.

Twelve years ago, my manager at the time called my husband and told him that I was never to show up to work without having breakfast first. Since then John has made me oatmeal or some sort of breakfast every morning. Tomorrow will be the first time in twelve years when I haven't eaten breakfast. I don't even know if I will be able to think rationally on my drive to San Francisco. Gotta go...I have 35 minutes until 6pm....I better get something to eat for dinner!


o2bhiking said...

Oh that would so suck. Hope you tell us how it went. That sounds like a long difficult workout. Our coaches always stress eating something about an hour before training and we are always snacking on powerbars, gummy worms, etc during long workouts (none of which come close to 8 hours). I hope it went well, Jennifer. Art

Anonymous said...

You forgot the part where your friend and manager had to make John the same promise that I would make sure you ate lunch before sending you home.

Good Luck!!!