Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mt. Diablo Hill Repeats

Today I officially began my base phase.

Description of today's workout: Hill Repeats. 20 miles (approx 2 hours) on a roadway with a sustained uphill grade or uphill rolling terrain of at least 3 miles. Emphasis is on hills. Peg your heart rate at a steady level 5-6 aerobic level for the entire climb. Recover HR to Lvl 1-3 during the down hill return to the bottom of the hill. Complete this at least 3 times or untill you have ridden 18 miles (including the downhill). Plan your route to include at least 15 minutes of Lvl 2-3 warm-up and cool down.

I did my hill repeats at Mount Diablo North Gate. The temperature was 55F and I was overdressed and heated up after I finished my warm up. I removed my base layer before I began my first 3 miles.
It's been a long time since I've been on my road bike and I felt out of shape and was breathing hard climbing up. I caught up with another cyclist who was stopped on the side of the road and he said he would follow me up a little bit. The man was 76-years old and said that he rides up to the Mt. Diablo Summit (3800') every weekend! I hope to be able to do that one day.

At the 3 mile point, I turned around for the descent. My biggest fears in road biking are riding on busy roads with cars and riding down hill on curvy roads. Luckily, I only had to deal with the down hill curvy road today. I grip my drops so tightly while constantly pumping my breaks that my arms and hands cramp up. I also tend to hold my breath while riding down hill. So I had to keep reminding myself to breath because I don't think I could have held it the whole 3 miles down. Finally, I hit the ranger station and turned around to go up my second time. The second time up, I did a lot better and did not breath as hard going up. And the second time down, I felt a little more comfortable since I knew what to expect. The third time up, I was getting tired and so were my muscles. Coming down the third time was harder than the second time since my arms were tired.

This was a nice, scenic ride with blue skies and no wind. Hopefully, at the end of this nine month period, I will be able to ride up Mt. Diablo as quickly as all those thin cyclist passing me. I'd like to try to lose 10-15lbs and reduce body fat by Vineman in 9 months. Hopefully the increased workouts will help achieve this goal if I also watch my caloric intake.

Miles 1-6: 37:40
Miles 7-12: 31:20
Miles 13-18: 36:50

Total Mileage: 21 miles; Elevation Gain: 3,029'

Weight: 137lbs. 31% body fat; 30.8% muscle


Century Rider said...

You go girl! I am rooting for you.


Heath said...

I am so stoked you are doing're blog is def going to get me amped up!! :) HA!! GO TEAM!!

o2bhiking said...

Jennifer, you have an inspiring story. The loss of your friend Brenda is another reminder to me about why I do TNT. My condolences to you.

I have not done a triathlon and it is particularly impressive that you are starting with an Ironman. I wish you well, and hope that you will enjoy the triathlon experience. We had our team kickoff Saturday also, and it feels great to be back out with the Team.

Best wishes - Art in Virginia.

Jennifer said...

Thanks Glenn!

Heather, the season is just beginning. It's not too late for you to join IronTeam. (And, I'd get free socks!)

Art - thank you & best of luck to you as well in your next race. I love the photos that you posted on your hiking blog!