Sunday, November 23, 2008

Weekend Workouts

Saturday, I completed my first brick workout. What's a "brick" and why is it named so? Brick = Bike + Run + ICK (that's how your legs feel for the first part of the run). A brick is usually a bike/run combo, which simulates the bike to run transition.

Yesterday, I rode my bike on my trainer for 60 minutes, which was immed
iately followed by a 55 minute run. I actually didn't feel too bad on the run part, but my legs were getting tired on my run back home which is a steady and steep uphill climb that seems to go on forever.

Today's workout was to go on a bike ride with rolling hills for 45 miles. I knew that I would be scared to ride such a distance by myself in the middle of no where, so I hooked up with IronTeamers Belinda, Maria and Tony (who did a great job mapping the route). We started in Danville, rode past Blackhawk up to Highland Road to Livermore and back.

My Garmin shows that we rode a total distance of 48.88 miles, moving time 3:34:24 with total time of 4:19:23 and total elevation gain of 3,122 feet. The coach's workout description shows that the 45-mile rolling hill workout should take approximately 3 hours. I have a lot of work to do in the next eight months to improve my cycling time if I ever want to finish Vineman within the time limit! At this pace, it's going to take me over 10 hours on my bike ride, which I don't want to happen.

At the end of Week 2, I've lost 1.2 lbs, which is 3 lbs less than when I began training 14 days ago.


~danette~ said...

I will definitely take you up on your swim and bike workout offer...hopefully we'll be able to arrange something between our busy workout schedules!
Thanks for the bike advice -- I am definitely going to invest in one of those heavy duty tires! Have a great Turkey Day!

Shawn said...

I always wondered what BRICK stood for... now I know and I'm starting to think I wish I didn't! :)